Her er noen spørsmål fra Patch Adams det kan være verdt å stille seg ved inngangen av det nye året. Og la seg i det minste inspirere - og kanskje til og med si ja til et av dem...
- If no one wants to end up in a nursing home, what kind of community can celebrate all ages together and honor elders?
- Could you choose at least one child you're not related to and give them the time and care they need?
- If compassion and generosity were the measure of success that money and power are now, how would your life change?
- In order to bond your neighborhood in healthy interdependence you would need to host weekly potlucks. Would you?
- If being publicly joyful, even silly, were beneficial for our society, would you participate?
- If you have rooms at your home, why not take in single parents as a gift?
- How can we move to an economics of friendship?
- Could you do ten or more volunteer hours each week to make a healthier world?
- Do you dare to be universally friendly to end violence?
- Can you match the cost of everything you buy with a donation to an environmental sustainability project?